2019 was not a good year for me, at least as far as writing goes. While I did manage to publish my short story, To Stop Further Slaughter, in Crystal Lake Publishing’s Shallow Waters Vol. 2, none of my other goals were achieved. While somewhat disappointing on many levels, the reality is: sometimes life gets in the way. However, that was then, this is now, and all going well 2020 is going to be a much better year.
I have a number of projects lined up for this year. First, an invitation to submit another story based in the Sherlock Holmes universe, this one with an interesting twist I’m not quite ready to give away, but it should prove to be a very interesting take on the traditional Holmes and Watson duo. Publication is expected to be later in the year.
Short stories will continue to be a main focus of my writing for at least the first half of the year. There is a story I’ve been wanting to tell since my first publication, and I believe this is the year I will both complete it, and with any luck, gain significant recognition for it. In addition, I’m working on an anthology of short stories based right in my home State, Wisconsin.
That brings me to the project I seem to promise every year: the novel. Though it’s been said many times before, this year, THIS year, at least, the second half of it, I plan to devote to working on my first novel. Whether I actually complete it or not this year remains to be seen, and as of this moment the intent is certainly there. I believe I’ve got the story I want to be my first novel. Now I’ve just got to write it.
As a source of extra motivation, this year I plan to find myself an agent. Someone who can help take me and my writing career to the next level. To do that I’m going to need a novel, so, see above. (If any agents are reading this, I am very interested to hear from you!)
While that is plenty, perhaps even a little overly ambitious, it’s where I feel I need to be, and what I need to achieve, if I’m going to advance my writing. I still want to keep myself open to opportunities as they arise, however this year I may be a little more selective in what I choose to do should opportunities come my way.
I hope you’ll come along with me this year. Keep me company. Keep me motivated. Encourage me and hold me accountable. It promises to be one hell of a journey, and if we get there, great things are going to happen.
Let’s get started.